Step 2: What Level Am I ?
Levels are subjective and different wherever you take lessons. Some studios start Level 1 with simple poses and jump to handstands in Level 2, with no transitional skills taught. It’s at this point many people get discouraged or hurt. Understand that while you might be advanced at one yoga studio, you might be intermediate at another.
Our group is designed for regular people who may be ‘a day or two past twenty’, may be less flexible, may have injuries, and are trying to maintain (or regain) their strength, balance, and flexibility. These levels are based on the following criteria: your knowledge of basic poses, current strength to hold certain poses, and the balance to achieve certain poses. These skills combined with a step by step process will get you to your goals.
Levels are broken down so that as you take each level, you are building a strong foundation to go to the next level safely and confidently. Though you are free to try other levels, as the level and intensity go up, you will need a stronger foundation, the transitions will be quicker, the poses will become more challenging, with fewer instructions given. Very simply, if you are new to Yoga, you should stick to the Nurturing and Novice levels.
Nurturing & Novice Levels
Nurturing Level classes are for everyone, people new to yoga, those with injuries, or those that just want to take a gentle class. While some of these classes can be done in a chair or in bed, the majority require you to be able to get onto the floor and get back up. This level will include classes for sleep, chair yoga, supported postures, slow transitions, and lots of props.
Novice level classes are where you start building a foundation for your future practice. In this level you will learn basic poses, basic terminology, how to modify the difficulty of each pose, and how to use props. This is a good review level if you have been away from yoga for a while.
(Has 3 Intensity Levels)
Beginner & Improvers
Beginner level classes is where you will start feeling a flow to your practice. By this level you know the general positioning of the basic poses and their common names. You are starting to improve your awareness and alignment. You are building strength and increasing your flexibility. This might be the level where you choose to stay for a long while, the classes are a good mix between challenge and nurture.
(Has 3 Intensity Levels)
Improver level classes are designed to help make the jump from Beginner level to Intermediate level. These classes will teach you the additional foundational skills and poses that are commonly used in Intermediate classes by both myself and other teachers. You will also be learning skills to help you develop the strength needed for your transition. The goal is to ease the transition so that you can be safe and confident when you get to the next level.
(Has 3 Intensity Levels)
Intermediate & Advanced
Intermediate covers commonly recognized Intermediate level poses and material. By this level you should already have a strong practice, solid knowledge of the most commonly used poses, and terminology. You have already developed good flexibility. You should have already developed the strength to hold poses for longer periods of time. This is where you will start working on the many variations of these poses that will challenge your flexibility and your strength.
Advanced level is challenging poses that require a high level of proficiency. These poses are best learned in a classroom setting. These poses are not the focus of this website.
Class Level Coding System
The classes will be divided by the designations: NURTURING, NOVICE, BEGINNER, IMPROVER, INTERMEDIATE, and ADVANCED. Once you have determined your Level, then note the Intensity. For example, if you are Beginner, you can have both Low and High Intensity, one of these will be more challenging than the other, while still being a Beginner level.

Intensity Levels
All Levels except Nurturing have varied intensities. You will want to note both the Level and the INTENSITY of the class.
Example: A Beginner class with a High Intensity is more challenging than a Beginner class with a Low Intensity, but they are both covering the Beginner material and skills. A High Intensity might be for those preparing to move up to the next level and are wanting the additional challenge, but are not yet ready for the next level.
Some classes will show 2 Levels/Intensity because of modifications within the class will allow you to adjust the difficulty of a movement. An Improver/Low is more challenging than a Beginner/High.
If You Already Know All About Props Skip Ahead to Step 4
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